Martinique pour l’Emploi to hold second edition
for the training and integration of young people

Martinique pour l'Emploi, a job fair focusing on local employment. Hot on the heels of its successful first edition where over 127 job-seekers found employment, Pôle Emploi, Martinique’s job centre, and its partners (GBH, Medef, CCIM, AMPI, Contact-Entreprises, CMA, CPME, FTPE, CTM and the Prefecture) are coming together for a second edition of the local job fair: Martinique pour l’Emploi. This second edition will offer both online job interviews, from 12 to 25 September 2022, and face-to-face interviews, on 20 and 21 September at Hôtel La Batelière.
Martinique pour l’Emploi is a job fair aimed at all candidates and open to all Martinique companies with positions to fill.
An event organised with employment actors in the business world, this forum shines a light on the different sectors that are recruiting. This job fair is hosted in two complementary ways:
- Digital: The gateway to the main event – from 12 to 25 September 2022 – with selections and job interviews online via the job centre’s recruitment platform.
- Face to face: On 20 and 21 September 2022 – job interviews with candidates pre-selected by companies hosting a stand at Hôtel Batelière.
On the programme:
- Job interviews with pre-selected candidates
- Meetings by appointment between candidates and professionals
- Tailored events: after-work socials, seminars on specific topics and more
- A professional networking area
- Focus on services and recruitment opportunities for managers
- The 2022 “labour needs” survey confirmed that: Local businesses are reporting that recruitment needs are on the rise in every sector. The job centre and its partners are working together to promote Martinique as a region full of vocational opportunities. Their aims are to boost recruitment, highlight different sectors of activity and foster cooperation between local employment organisations.
A resoundingly successful first edition: 127 hires made in 2021 from the job fair
In 2021, Pôle Emploi Martinique (the local job centre) and its partners set up this new forum: the Martinique pour l'Emploi job fair. Because of the pandemic, the fair was exclusively hosted remotely. The first job fair was held remotely from 23 September to 5 October 2021. The event offered candidates and industry professionals the chance to come together online to discuss recruitment and for candidates to speak to HR managers at companies looking for people to hire. Participants also had access to attend a series of 13 web seminars devoted to employment.
Positive feedback for this first edition: 127 new hires recruited from the job fair
Over 24,300 participants
250 job openings
750 selection interviews
250 job offers made by 55 Martinique-based companies spanning every business sector: 29% for support functions, 17% temping/HR, 14% wholesale, 8% mass retail and 8% in auto distribution...
Head to To learn more about the job fair and apply to take part, is the event website and features everything you need to know including the full programme, registration details, learning videos and access to the online recruitment platform.
Martinique pour l’Emploi receives support from institutional and socio-economic partners on the island. Partners bring to the table their expertise and participate in themed workshops and lead round tables and seminars. This mutual strategy reflects how determined the partners are to meet in a targeted fashion the needs of job-seekers and companies in Martinique.

Pôle Emploi and its partners will announce the second edition of the Martinique job fair at a press conference to be held on Tuesday 7 June 2022.