Le groupe met en œuvre des actions d’aide à l’insertion sociale et professionnelle des jeunes. Il s’implique dans l’emploi en Outre-mer en accompagnant les parcours d’excellence. Il contribue également à l’alimentation solidaire et l’anti-gaspillage alimentaire. Enfin, il promeut la mobilisation des collaborateurs du groupe au service de ses actions.
GBH mène des actions de solidarité depuis plusieurs années tout en créant de nouvelles impulsions dans ses axes d’intervention.
En partenariat avec la Croix Rouge à la Réunion, aux Antilles et en Guyane, le Groupe s’engage dans les actions humanitaires en faveur des défavorisés et de l’aide d’urgence.
Afin de développer l’éducation et la formation, GBH met en place plusieurs actions : l’aide à l’apprentissage de jeunes défavorisés en partenariat avec des organismes locaux, l’accompagnement de parcours d’excellence en Outre-mer de jeunes méritants et aussi le rapprochement du monde de l’entreprise avec celui de l’éducation pour favoriser l’employabilité des jeunes.
Discover some of our actions

Helping the Haitians
The Group took action to help the Haitian people following the earthquake that hit Haiti on 14 August 2021. Through its subsidiary Carrefour Martinique, GBH gave the Red Cross 41 tonnes of water and essential foodstuffs that were transported to Haiti on the army surveillance frigate Le Germinal.
100 tonnes of water delivered to Saint Vincent island
GBH provided humanitarian aid to the inhabitants of Saint Vincent island, affected by the eruption of its volcano, La Soufrière, in April 2021. Through its Carrefour subsidiary, the Group provided 100 tonnes of water – over 66,000 1.5-litre bottles – which were brought to the French West Indies by the army surveillance frigate Ventôse.

Food collections at Carrefour
Committed to emergency aid, the Red Cross and GBH have organised several food donation collections in the Carrefour outlets in the West Indies and Réunion Island, to help the people of the northern islands affected by hurricanes in 2018.

GBH supports overseas food banks
GBH signs up to support food banks: In January 2022, GBH signed an agreement with the Fédération des Banques Alimentaires, the food banks federation, to finance the transportation of containers of food items from mainland France to Martinique, Guadeloupe and Réunion Island.
For the three territories, the first operation brought over 75 tonnes of additional food products, the equivalent of over 150,000 meals donated to recipient nonprofits.
The first deliveries were made in Guadeloupe and Martinique in mid-March. Shipments to Réunion Island are planned for late March. These operations will be repeated several more times this year.

Combating waste with Emmaüs and Phenix
Fighting waste for several years already, GBH subsidiary Carrefour Réunion was doing its bit long before the Agec (anti-waste law for a circular economy) legislation was introduced on 1 January 2022. The company has extended and strengthened its partnership with Emmaüs Réunion for the collection of its non-food products, including unsold furniture, toys, home appliances and textiles that are passed on to the association to help low-income families. Carrefour Réunion is also the first large retail company* to take a proactive step towards zero food waste in the dry and fresh produce departments by making daily donations. Alongside Phenix Réunion, the subsidiary is giving a second life to food products still fit for consumption that are redistributed to 14 local associations. This “anti-waste” partnership was rolled out in 2021 with three test hypermarkets. Some 221,000 meals were saved between May and December and the food salvage percentage rose from 18% to 30%. In 2022, there are plans to extend the initiative to all Carrefour and Carrefour Market de l’île stores.
*source: Phenix.

Mascareignes food banks receive six tonnes of donations
Because 90,000 Réunion islanders struggle to stock their cupboards, Carrefour Réunion has been supporting Banques Alimentaires des Mascareignes, a local food bank association, since 2016. Support comes in the form of making food donations and responding to calls for collection. This year, Carrefour and Carrefour Market de l’île stores on the island all got involved and sent out an appeal to their customers to help disadvantaged families. Following a collection promoted by a wide advertising campaign (billboards and social media), six tonnes of food donations were collected. A strong show of solidarity. A big thankyou to everyone on Réunion Island who shops at Carrefour!

Food collections at Carrefour
Committed to emergency aid, the Red Cross and GBH have organised several food donation collections in the Carrefour outlets in the West Indies and Réunion Island, to help the people of the northern islands affected by hurricanes in 2018.

Covid-19: GBH and its subsidiaries stand in solidarity
As part of its efforts to combat Covid-19, GBH and its subsidiaries, like many companies, resolved to step into action to help the wider community. In a spirit of unanimous solidarity, working in conjunction with local organisations in territories and regions where the group has operations, they joined forces to do their bit. The main goal was to come to the aid of the local population by supplying masks and hand sanitiser. They led other actions to bring support to the medical teams in each region and help the disadvantaged, in particular by making donations to local food banks. Our priority was also to protect employees and customers: an internal set of Covid-19 best practices was put in place.
Here are some examples of actions:
GBH is providing 1,350,000 masks including 450,000 FFP2-type masks to health professionals in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique and Réunion Island. The masks were divided between the territories: 600,000 for Réunion Island, 300,000 for Guadeloupe, 300,000 for Martinique and 150,000 for French Guiana. These masks were delivered to the French Regional Health Agency (ARS) which will allocate them to hospitals, clinics and other healthcare workers on a priority basis.
What’s more, partnerships were fostered with the group’s distilleries to produce hand sanitiser. Over 30,000 litres of hand sanitiser was supplied free of charge to the health and safety services in Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana and Réunion Island. These products were delivered to the ARS in charge of their distribution to health professionals.
During lockdown, the group’s leasing companies supplied a loan vehicle to hospital staff in the event their own vehicle broke down.
In Martinique, Carrefour Martinique increased its support to the food bank by donating a tonne of food products.
Chocolat Elot is supporting children in hospital and the children of health workers at La Meynard university hospital by donating Easter chocolates.
Decathlon donated 180 Easybreath masks to the university hospital and Le Carbet hospital.
Yves Rocher supplied hydration kits to the university hospital.
Mr. Bricolage participated in the manufacture of 600 visors by supplying 600 eyelets and 30 sets of PPE to the university hospital.
Autobam gave 4,000 pairs of gloves, 405 sets of overalls, protective glasses, face shields and disposable masks to Martinique university hospital.
In Guadeloupe, CAMA loaned four vehicles and donated lots of PPE kits to the Red Cross.
Carrefour Destreland gave Easter chocolates to child in-patients in hospitals and clinics.
On Réunion Island, Carrefour Réunion delivered over 200 hot meals a day to the Red Cross for a whole month. And over 35,000 Easter chocolates to healthcare professionals and in-patients at Réunion Island university hospital, GHER and Mascareignes food bank to support islanders facing hard times and all of its employees.
The Grands Centres shopping centres had to adapt and make daily innovations to manage operations during the pandemic. Lots of prevention and protection initiatives were implemented during the pandemic. To remind people of social and physical distancing measures, new messages were displayed via various media and an audio message was broadcast. To protect employees and customers, new equipment such as hand gel distributors, barriers at entrances and exits and floor markings were implemented. To ensure the regulations in force concerning visitor numbers and information display, a computer platform and people counting cameras were installed to perform instant checks and control capacity. In the event the maximum threshold was exceeded, text messages and emails were sent to the different departments to implement door regulation procedures.
BPA, in conjunction with the police, distributed all of its FFP2-type masks, around 300 pieces, to Saint-Denis university hospital. The company also gave nurses 400 vehicle protection kits and gloves and also helped fire officers by donating surface protective film, masking tape, gloves and other items to help them protect their equipment and staff.
In French Guiana, to guarantee optimal protection of administrative personnel and the public, the management of Guyane Automobile went from town hall to town hall distributing masks and hand sanitiser. The villages of Cayenne, Macouria, Rémire-Montjoly, Roura, Kourou, Sinnamary, Mana and Saint-Laurent all received supplies. Consequently, all civil servants unable to work remotely because they are in contact with the public as well as members of the local population received useful PPE equipment.
On 9 April, Carrefour Matoury and Contact signed a charter with the IFIVEG (inter-professional association of fruit and vegetable production chains) for the distribution of fruit and veg to the group’s stores. This agreement aims to reinforce and develop the agricultural production chains and promote food autonomy in French Guiana. Carrefour Matoury and Contact have stepped up charity initiatives, such as donating around 8,500 euros’ worth of Easter chocolates to Cayenne hospital and the Épicerie Solidaire.
In Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia Distillers supplied hand sanitiser and implemented various aid actions.
In Africa, Citroën maintained its regular opening hours to help its customers in the event of emergency or breakdown.
Kia Maroc introduced a home assistance service and organised replacement vehicles for healthcare professionals and provided logistical support for the transportation of goods to disadvantaged members of the community.
SOCIDA: Uber adapted its technology and signed a partnership with the Ivory Coast’s Ministry of Health and Socida to offer free trips to healthcare workers in Abidjan. Health workers at the three public hospitals and the university hospitals in Treichville, Angré and Cocody were therefore able to make their way to their different places of work easily, comfortably and safely thanks to this partnership funded by Uber and Socida.

Building the way for the future
The fairtrade fund of the GTM (Groupement Téblé de Maraban) has been used to build three classrooms, five homes for primary school teachers, two covered playgrounds and two young people’s hostels to improve the standards of living for the neighbouring communities around Maraban farm. It also aims to improve access to education for young people and housing conditions for primary school teachers.

Helping employee literacy
Teaching employees who haven't had access to education to read and write is the goal of Bacibam, GBH’s Ivory Coast subsidiary, through this initiative. A small group of employees selected by the company is working with a tutor twice a week. This intimate setting gives each student a chance to overcome their shyness, quickly learn the basics and then make way for the next employees.

GBH supports overseas food banks
GBH signs up to support food banks: In January 2022, GBH signed an agreement with the Fédération des Banques Alimentaires, the food banks federation, to finance the transportation of containers of food items from mainland France to Martinique, Guadeloupe and Réunion Island.
For the three territories, the first operation brought over 75 tonnes of additional food products, the equivalent of over 150,000 meals donated to recipient nonprofits.
The first deliveries were made in Guadeloupe and Martinique in mid-March. Shipments to Réunion Island are planned for late March. These operations will be repeated several more times this year.

Working together to help people in need
During the second lockdown on the island, Jumbo Score, a GBH subsidiary in Mauritius, put in place a month-long charitable operation with Agiliss, its supply partner, and the NGO Foodwise. Its innovative idea was to sell to customers at a preferential rate – 250 rupees (5 euros) – bags of staples such as rice, milk, tinned foods and grains, without turning a profit. Customers could leave bags at hypermarket exits which could then be distributed by Foodwise to in-need Mauritian families, buy them for their own consumption or hand out the bags themselves. For every 10 bags sold, Jumbo Score donated an additional bag to give to families. In total, more than 16 tonnes of food were distributed to families in need.

Combating waste with Emmaüs and Phenix
Fighting waste for several years already, GBH subsidiary Carrefour Réunion was doing its bit long before the Agec (anti-waste law for a circular economy) legislation was introduced on 1 January 2022. The company has extended and strengthened its partnership with Emmaüs Réunion for the collection of its non-food products, including unsold furniture, toys, home appliances and textiles that are passed on to the association to help low-income families. Carrefour Réunion is also the first large retail company* to take a proactive step towards zero food waste in the dry and fresh produce departments by making daily donations. Alongside Phenix Réunion, the subsidiary is giving a second life to food products still fit for consumption that are redistributed to 14 local associations. This “anti-waste” partnership was rolled out in 2021 with three test hypermarkets. Some 221,000 meals were saved between May and December and the food salvage percentage rose from 18% to 30%. In 2022, there are plans to extend the initiative to all Carrefour and Carrefour Market de l’île stores.
*source: Phenix.

Charitable action for sick people in need
Citroën Algérie confirmed its support to help sick islanders. In partnership with the association WinNelka, the company donated medical equipment. People in need received portering chairs, stretchers, bottle pressure regulators with sparger and even inflatable splints.

Mascareignes food banks receive six tonnes of donations
Because 90,000 Réunion islanders struggle to stock their cupboards, Carrefour Réunion has been supporting Banques Alimentaires des Mascareignes, a local food bank association, since 2016. Support comes in the form of making food donations and responding to calls for collection. This year, Carrefour and Carrefour Market de l’île stores on the island all got involved and sent out an appeal to their customers to help disadvantaged families. Following a collection promoted by a wide advertising campaign (billboards and social media), six tonnes of food donations were collected. A strong show of solidarity. A big thankyou to everyone on Réunion Island who shops at Carrefour!

Covid-19: GBH and its subsidiaries stand in solidarity
As part of its efforts to combat Covid-19, GBH and its subsidiaries, like many companies, resolved to step into action to help the wider community. In a spirit of unanimous solidarity, working in conjunction with local organisations in territories and regions where the group has operations, they joined forces to do their bit. The main goal was to come to the aid of the local population by supplying masks and hand sanitiser. They led other actions to bring support to the medical teams in each region and help the disadvantaged, in particular by making donations to local food banks. Our priority was also to protect employees and customers: an internal set of Covid-19 best practices was put in place.
Here are some examples of actions:
GBH is providing 1,350,000 masks including 450,000 FFP2-type masks to health professionals in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique and Réunion Island. The masks were divided between the territories: 600,000 for Réunion Island, 300,000 for Guadeloupe, 300,000 for Martinique and 150,000 for French Guiana. These masks were delivered to the French Regional Health Agency (ARS) which will allocate them to hospitals, clinics and other healthcare workers on a priority basis.
What’s more, partnerships were fostered with the group’s distilleries to produce hand sanitiser. Over 30,000 litres of hand sanitiser was supplied free of charge to the health and safety services in Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana and Réunion Island. These products were delivered to the ARS in charge of their distribution to health professionals.
During lockdown, the group’s leasing companies supplied a loan vehicle to hospital staff in the event their own vehicle broke down.
In Martinique, Carrefour Martinique increased its support to the food bank by donating a tonne of food products.
Chocolat Elot is supporting children in hospital and the children of health workers at La Meynard university hospital by donating Easter chocolates.
Decathlon donated 180 Easybreath masks to the university hospital and Le Carbet hospital.
Yves Rocher supplied hydration kits to the university hospital.
Mr. Bricolage participated in the manufacture of 600 visors by supplying 600 eyelets and 30 sets of PPE to the university hospital.
Autobam gave 4,000 pairs of gloves, 405 sets of overalls, protective glasses, face shields and disposable masks to Martinique university hospital.
In Guadeloupe, CAMA loaned four vehicles and donated lots of PPE kits to the Red Cross.
Carrefour Destreland gave Easter chocolates to child in-patients in hospitals and clinics.
On Réunion Island, Carrefour Réunion delivered over 200 hot meals a day to the Red Cross for a whole month. And over 35,000 Easter chocolates to healthcare professionals and in-patients at Réunion Island university hospital, GHER and Mascareignes food bank to support islanders facing hard times and all of its employees.
The Grands Centres shopping centres had to adapt and make daily innovations to manage operations during the pandemic. Lots of prevention and protection initiatives were implemented during the pandemic. To remind people of social and physical distancing measures, new messages were displayed via various media and an audio message was broadcast. To protect employees and customers, new equipment such as hand gel distributors, barriers at entrances and exits and floor markings were implemented. To ensure the regulations in force concerning visitor numbers and information display, a computer platform and people counting cameras were installed to perform instant checks and control capacity. In the event the maximum threshold was exceeded, text messages and emails were sent to the different departments to implement door regulation procedures.
BPA, in conjunction with the police, distributed all of its FFP2-type masks, around 300 pieces, to Saint-Denis university hospital. The company also gave nurses 400 vehicle protection kits and gloves and also helped fire officers by donating surface protective film, masking tape, gloves and other items to help them protect their equipment and staff.
In French Guiana, to guarantee optimal protection of administrative personnel and the public, the management of Guyane Automobile went from town hall to town hall distributing masks and hand sanitiser. The villages of Cayenne, Macouria, Rémire-Montjoly, Roura, Kourou, Sinnamary, Mana and Saint-Laurent all received supplies. Consequently, all civil servants unable to work remotely because they are in contact with the public as well as members of the local population received useful PPE equipment.
On 9 April, Carrefour Matoury and Contact signed a charter with the IFIVEG (inter-professional association of fruit and vegetable production chains) for the distribution of fruit and veg to the group’s stores. This agreement aims to reinforce and develop the agricultural production chains and promote food autonomy in French Guiana. Carrefour Matoury and Contact have stepped up charity initiatives, such as donating around 8,500 euros’ worth of Easter chocolates to Cayenne hospital and the Épicerie Solidaire.
In Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia Distillers supplied hand sanitiser and implemented various aid actions.
In Africa, Citroën maintained its regular opening hours to help its customers in the event of emergency or breakdown.
Kia Maroc introduced a home assistance service and organised replacement vehicles for healthcare professionals and provided logistical support for the transportation of goods to disadvantaged members of the community.
SOCIDA: Uber adapted its technology and signed a partnership with the Ivory Coast’s Ministry of Health and Socida to offer free trips to healthcare workers in Abidjan. Health workers at the three public hospitals and the university hospitals in Treichville, Angré and Cocody were therefore able to make their way to their different places of work easily, comfortably and safely thanks to this partnership funded by Uber and Socida.

Charitable action for sick people in need
Citroën Algérie confirmed its support to help sick islanders. In partnership with the association WinNelka, the company donated medical equipment. People in need received portering chairs, stretchers, bottle pressure regulators with sparger and even inflatable splints.

Building the way for the future
The fairtrade fund of the GTM (Groupement Téblé de Maraban) has been used to build three classrooms, five homes for primary school teachers, two covered playgrounds and two young people’s hostels to improve the standards of living for the neighbouring communities around Maraban farm. It also aims to improve access to education for young people and housing conditions for primary school teachers.

Helping employee literacy
Teaching employees who haven't had access to education to read and write is the goal of Bacibam, GBH’s Ivory Coast subsidiary, through this initiative. A small group of employees selected by the company is working with a tutor twice a week. This intimate setting gives each student a chance to overcome their shyness, quickly learn the basics and then make way for the next employees.

Food collections at Carrefour
Committed to emergency aid, the Red Cross and GBH have organised several food donation collections in the Carrefour outlets in the West Indies and Réunion Island, to help the people of the northern islands affected by hurricanes in 2018.
Covid-19: GBH provides support to healthcare and hospital workers in the French West Indies, French Guiana and Réunion Island
In March 2020, in the fight against coronavirus and in light of the shortage of alcohol-based gel sanitiser, through its Rhum JM distillery and its Etablissements Clément in Martinique, GBH has adapted its rum production process to be able to manufacture an alcohol-based sanitiser and organise packaging for it.
This product is being delivered free of charge to healthcare workers, army personnel, police and emergency services. In liaison with the prefecture of Martinique and ARS, an initial delivery of 5,000 litres is being organised.
In Guadeloupe, GBH is also providing healthcare workers and security personnel with free alcohol-based sanitiser. This operation is being carried out in partnership with two local economic operators that manufacture and package the product. Some 10,000 75-ml bottles developed and packaged by the Alizée Nature Caraïbes laboratory and 18,500 500-ml bottles produced by the Chlorex company are being delivered from 30 March 2020 to French government agencies. The Prefecture of Guadeloupe has mobilised significant logistical resources to ensure emergency distribution to all the relevant public and private priority personnel.
On Réunion Island, GBH is also providing healthcare workers and security personnel with free alcohol-based sanitiser. This operation is being carried out in partnership with the Chatel distillery, a historic industrial operator on Réunion Island, which is manufacturing and packaging a batch of 5,000 1-litre bottles for GBH. The delivery will begin on Friday 3 April and is being organised by the Prefecture and ARS to best address the various public health priorities.
GBH is also taking action in French Guiana. Some 10,000 500-ml bottles were thus produced and donated by GBH to the Prefecture and the ARS, which took care of distributing them to health and safety personnel, from 8 April 2020. This operation was made possible thanks to the efforts of numerous Guianese economic operators coordinated by Medef Guyane: the company Rhum Saint-Maurice produces the ethanol, the laboratory Bio Stratège manufactures the alcohol-based solution at SARA, and SOLAM handles the packaging and labelling at Brasserie Guyanaise.
GBH would like to thank all those who made this possible, particularly the teams at JM and Clément in a spirit of solidarity and collective effort. All current health guidelines were followed to protect the employees involved in implementing this initiative.

Covid-19: GBH and its subsidiaries stand in solidarity
As part of its efforts to combat Covid-19, GBH and its subsidiaries, like many companies, resolved to step into action to help the wider community. In a spirit of unanimous solidarity, working in conjunction with local organisations in territories and regions where the group has operations, they joined forces to do their bit. The main goal was to come to the aid of the local population by supplying masks and hand sanitiser. They led other actions to bring support to the medical teams in each region and help the disadvantaged, in particular by making donations to local food banks. Our priority was also to protect employees and customers: an internal set of Covid-19 best practices was put in place.
Here are some examples of actions:
GBH is providing 1,350,000 masks including 450,000 FFP2-type masks to health professionals in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique and Réunion Island. The masks were divided between the territories: 600,000 for Réunion Island, 300,000 for Guadeloupe, 300,000 for Martinique and 150,000 for French Guiana. These masks were delivered to the French Regional Health Agency (ARS) which will allocate them to hospitals, clinics and other healthcare workers on a priority basis.
What’s more, partnerships were fostered with the group’s distilleries to produce hand sanitiser. Over 30,000 litres of hand sanitiser was supplied free of charge to the health and safety services in Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana and Réunion Island. These products were delivered to the ARS in charge of their distribution to health professionals.
During lockdown, the group’s leasing companies supplied a loan vehicle to hospital staff in the event their own vehicle broke down.
In Martinique, Carrefour Martinique increased its support to the food bank by donating a tonne of food products.
Chocolat Elot is supporting children in hospital and the children of health workers at La Meynard university hospital by donating Easter chocolates.
Decathlon donated 180 Easybreath masks to the university hospital and Le Carbet hospital.
Yves Rocher supplied hydration kits to the university hospital.
Mr. Bricolage participated in the manufacture of 600 visors by supplying 600 eyelets and 30 sets of PPE to the university hospital.
Autobam gave 4,000 pairs of gloves, 405 sets of overalls, protective glasses, face shields and disposable masks to Martinique university hospital.
In Guadeloupe, CAMA loaned four vehicles and donated lots of PPE kits to the Red Cross.
Carrefour Destreland gave Easter chocolates to child in-patients in hospitals and clinics.
On Réunion Island, Carrefour Réunion delivered over 200 hot meals a day to the Red Cross for a whole month. And over 35,000 Easter chocolates to healthcare professionals and in-patients at Réunion Island university hospital, GHER and Mascareignes food bank to support islanders facing hard times and all of its employees.
The Grands Centres shopping centres had to adapt and make daily innovations to manage operations during the pandemic. Lots of prevention and protection initiatives were implemented during the pandemic. To remind people of social and physical distancing measures, new messages were displayed via various media and an audio message was broadcast. To protect employees and customers, new equipment such as hand gel distributors, barriers at entrances and exits and floor markings were implemented. To ensure the regulations in force concerning visitor numbers and information display, a computer platform and people counting cameras were installed to perform instant checks and control capacity. In the event the maximum threshold was exceeded, text messages and emails were sent to the different departments to implement door regulation procedures.
BPA, in conjunction with the police, distributed all of its FFP2-type masks, around 300 pieces, to Saint-Denis university hospital. The company also gave nurses 400 vehicle protection kits and gloves and also helped fire officers by donating surface protective film, masking tape, gloves and other items to help them protect their equipment and staff.
In French Guiana, to guarantee optimal protection of administrative personnel and the public, the management of Guyane Automobile went from town hall to town hall distributing masks and hand sanitiser. The villages of Cayenne, Macouria, Rémire-Montjoly, Roura, Kourou, Sinnamary, Mana and Saint-Laurent all received supplies. Consequently, all civil servants unable to work remotely because they are in contact with the public as well as members of the local population received useful PPE equipment.
On 9 April, Carrefour Matoury and Contact signed a charter with the IFIVEG (inter-professional association of fruit and vegetable production chains) for the distribution of fruit and veg to the group’s stores. This agreement aims to reinforce and develop the agricultural production chains and promote food autonomy in French Guiana. Carrefour Matoury and Contact have stepped up charity initiatives, such as donating around 8,500 euros’ worth of Easter chocolates to Cayenne hospital and the Épicerie Solidaire.
In Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia Distillers supplied hand sanitiser and implemented various aid actions.
In Africa, Citroën maintained its regular opening hours to help its customers in the event of emergency or breakdown.
Kia Maroc introduced a home assistance service and organised replacement vehicles for healthcare professionals and provided logistical support for the transportation of goods to disadvantaged members of the community.
SOCIDA: Uber adapted its technology and signed a partnership with the Ivory Coast’s Ministry of Health and Socida to offer free trips to healthcare workers in Abidjan. Health workers at the three public hospitals and the university hospitals in Treichville, Angré and Cocody were therefore able to make their way to their different places of work easily, comfortably and safely thanks to this partnership funded by Uber and Socida.

GBH supports overseas food banks
GBH signs up to support food banks: In January 2022, GBH signed an agreement with the Fédération des Banques Alimentaires, the food banks federation, to finance the transportation of containers of food items from mainland France to Martinique, Guadeloupe and Réunion Island.
For the three territories, the first operation brought over 75 tonnes of additional food products, the equivalent of over 150,000 meals donated to recipient nonprofits.
The first deliveries were made in Guadeloupe and Martinique in mid-March. Shipments to Réunion Island are planned for late March. These operations will be repeated several more times this year.
Covid-19: GBH provides support to healthcare and hospital workers in the French West Indies, French Guiana and Réunion Island
In March 2020, in the fight against coronavirus and in light of the shortage of alcohol-based gel sanitiser, through its Rhum JM distillery and its Etablissements Clément in Martinique, GBH has adapted its rum production process to be able to manufacture an alcohol-based sanitiser and organise packaging for it.
This product is being delivered free of charge to healthcare workers, army personnel, police and emergency services. In liaison with the prefecture of Martinique and ARS, an initial delivery of 5,000 litres is being organised.
In Guadeloupe, GBH is also providing healthcare workers and security personnel with free alcohol-based sanitiser. This operation is being carried out in partnership with two local economic operators that manufacture and package the product. Some 10,000 75-ml bottles developed and packaged by the Alizée Nature Caraïbes laboratory and 18,500 500-ml bottles produced by the Chlorex company are being delivered from 30 March 2020 to French government agencies. The Prefecture of Guadeloupe has mobilised significant logistical resources to ensure emergency distribution to all the relevant public and private priority personnel.
On Réunion Island, GBH is also providing healthcare workers and security personnel with free alcohol-based sanitiser. This operation is being carried out in partnership with the Chatel distillery, a historic industrial operator on Réunion Island, which is manufacturing and packaging a batch of 5,000 1-litre bottles for GBH. The delivery will begin on Friday 3 April and is being organised by the Prefecture and ARS to best address the various public health priorities.
GBH is also taking action in French Guiana. Some 10,000 500-ml bottles were thus produced and donated by GBH to the Prefecture and the ARS, which took care of distributing them to health and safety personnel, from 8 April 2020. This operation was made possible thanks to the efforts of numerous Guianese economic operators coordinated by Medef Guyane: the company Rhum Saint-Maurice produces the ethanol, the laboratory Bio Stratège manufactures the alcohol-based solution at SARA, and SOLAM handles the packaging and labelling at Brasserie Guyanaise.
GBH would like to thank all those who made this possible, particularly the teams at JM and Clément in a spirit of solidarity and collective effort. All current health guidelines were followed to protect the employees involved in implementing this initiative.

Covid-19: GBH and its subsidiaries stand in solidarity
As part of its efforts to combat Covid-19, GBH and its subsidiaries, like many companies, resolved to step into action to help the wider community. In a spirit of unanimous solidarity, working in conjunction with local organisations in territories and regions where the group has operations, they joined forces to do their bit. The main goal was to come to the aid of the local population by supplying masks and hand sanitiser. They led other actions to bring support to the medical teams in each region and help the disadvantaged, in particular by making donations to local food banks. Our priority was also to protect employees and customers: an internal set of Covid-19 best practices was put in place.
Here are some examples of actions:
GBH is providing 1,350,000 masks including 450,000 FFP2-type masks to health professionals in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique and Réunion Island. The masks were divided between the territories: 600,000 for Réunion Island, 300,000 for Guadeloupe, 300,000 for Martinique and 150,000 for French Guiana. These masks were delivered to the French Regional Health Agency (ARS) which will allocate them to hospitals, clinics and other healthcare workers on a priority basis.
What’s more, partnerships were fostered with the group’s distilleries to produce hand sanitiser. Over 30,000 litres of hand sanitiser was supplied free of charge to the health and safety services in Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana and Réunion Island. These products were delivered to the ARS in charge of their distribution to health professionals.
During lockdown, the group’s leasing companies supplied a loan vehicle to hospital staff in the event their own vehicle broke down.
In Martinique, Carrefour Martinique increased its support to the food bank by donating a tonne of food products.
Chocolat Elot is supporting children in hospital and the children of health workers at La Meynard university hospital by donating Easter chocolates.
Decathlon donated 180 Easybreath masks to the university hospital and Le Carbet hospital.
Yves Rocher supplied hydration kits to the university hospital.
Mr. Bricolage participated in the manufacture of 600 visors by supplying 600 eyelets and 30 sets of PPE to the university hospital.
Autobam gave 4,000 pairs of gloves, 405 sets of overalls, protective glasses, face shields and disposable masks to Martinique university hospital.
In Guadeloupe, CAMA loaned four vehicles and donated lots of PPE kits to the Red Cross.
Carrefour Destreland gave Easter chocolates to child in-patients in hospitals and clinics.
On Réunion Island, Carrefour Réunion delivered over 200 hot meals a day to the Red Cross for a whole month. And over 35,000 Easter chocolates to healthcare professionals and in-patients at Réunion Island university hospital, GHER and Mascareignes food bank to support islanders facing hard times and all of its employees.
The Grands Centres shopping centres had to adapt and make daily innovations to manage operations during the pandemic. Lots of prevention and protection initiatives were implemented during the pandemic. To remind people of social and physical distancing measures, new messages were displayed via various media and an audio message was broadcast. To protect employees and customers, new equipment such as hand gel distributors, barriers at entrances and exits and floor markings were implemented. To ensure the regulations in force concerning visitor numbers and information display, a computer platform and people counting cameras were installed to perform instant checks and control capacity. In the event the maximum threshold was exceeded, text messages and emails were sent to the different departments to implement door regulation procedures.
BPA, in conjunction with the police, distributed all of its FFP2-type masks, around 300 pieces, to Saint-Denis university hospital. The company also gave nurses 400 vehicle protection kits and gloves and also helped fire officers by donating surface protective film, masking tape, gloves and other items to help them protect their equipment and staff.
In French Guiana, to guarantee optimal protection of administrative personnel and the public, the management of Guyane Automobile went from town hall to town hall distributing masks and hand sanitiser. The villages of Cayenne, Macouria, Rémire-Montjoly, Roura, Kourou, Sinnamary, Mana and Saint-Laurent all received supplies. Consequently, all civil servants unable to work remotely because they are in contact with the public as well as members of the local population received useful PPE equipment.
On 9 April, Carrefour Matoury and Contact signed a charter with the IFIVEG (inter-professional association of fruit and vegetable production chains) for the distribution of fruit and veg to the group’s stores. This agreement aims to reinforce and develop the agricultural production chains and promote food autonomy in French Guiana. Carrefour Matoury and Contact have stepped up charity initiatives, such as donating around 8,500 euros’ worth of Easter chocolates to Cayenne hospital and the Épicerie Solidaire.
In Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia Distillers supplied hand sanitiser and implemented various aid actions.
In Africa, Citroën maintained its regular opening hours to help its customers in the event of emergency or breakdown.
Kia Maroc introduced a home assistance service and organised replacement vehicles for healthcare professionals and provided logistical support for the transportation of goods to disadvantaged members of the community.
SOCIDA: Uber adapted its technology and signed a partnership with the Ivory Coast’s Ministry of Health and Socida to offer free trips to healthcare workers in Abidjan. Health workers at the three public hospitals and the university hospitals in Treichville, Angré and Cocody were therefore able to make their way to their different places of work easily, comfortably and safely thanks to this partnership funded by Uber and Socida.

Working together to help people in need
During the second lockdown on the island, Jumbo Score, a GBH subsidiary in Mauritius, put in place a month-long charitable operation with Agiliss, its supply partner, and the NGO Foodwise. Its innovative idea was to sell to customers at a preferential rate – 250 rupees (5 euros) – bags of staples such as rice, milk, tinned foods and grains, without turning a profit. Customers could leave bags at hypermarket exits which could then be distributed by Foodwise to in-need Mauritian families, buy them for their own consumption or hand out the bags themselves. For every 10 bags sold, Jumbo Score donated an additional bag to give to families. In total, more than 16 tonnes of food were distributed to families in need.

Covid-19: GBH and its subsidiaries stand in solidarity
As part of its efforts to combat Covid-19, GBH and its subsidiaries, like many companies, resolved to step into action to help the wider community. In a spirit of unanimous solidarity, working in conjunction with local organisations in territories and regions where the group has operations, they joined forces to do their bit. The main goal was to come to the aid of the local population by supplying masks and hand sanitiser. They led other actions to bring support to the medical teams in each region and help the disadvantaged, in particular by making donations to local food banks. Our priority was also to protect employees and customers: an internal set of Covid-19 best practices was put in place.
Here are some examples of actions:
GBH is providing 1,350,000 masks including 450,000 FFP2-type masks to health professionals in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique and Réunion Island. The masks were divided between the territories: 600,000 for Réunion Island, 300,000 for Guadeloupe, 300,000 for Martinique and 150,000 for French Guiana. These masks were delivered to the French Regional Health Agency (ARS) which will allocate them to hospitals, clinics and other healthcare workers on a priority basis.
What’s more, partnerships were fostered with the group’s distilleries to produce hand sanitiser. Over 30,000 litres of hand sanitiser was supplied free of charge to the health and safety services in Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana and Réunion Island. These products were delivered to the ARS in charge of their distribution to health professionals.
During lockdown, the group’s leasing companies supplied a loan vehicle to hospital staff in the event their own vehicle broke down.
In Martinique, Carrefour Martinique increased its support to the food bank by donating a tonne of food products.
Chocolat Elot is supporting children in hospital and the children of health workers at La Meynard university hospital by donating Easter chocolates.
Decathlon donated 180 Easybreath masks to the university hospital and Le Carbet hospital.
Yves Rocher supplied hydration kits to the university hospital.
Mr. Bricolage participated in the manufacture of 600 visors by supplying 600 eyelets and 30 sets of PPE to the university hospital.
Autobam gave 4,000 pairs of gloves, 405 sets of overalls, protective glasses, face shields and disposable masks to Martinique university hospital.
In Guadeloupe, CAMA loaned four vehicles and donated lots of PPE kits to the Red Cross.
Carrefour Destreland gave Easter chocolates to child in-patients in hospitals and clinics.
On Réunion Island, Carrefour Réunion delivered over 200 hot meals a day to the Red Cross for a whole month. And over 35,000 Easter chocolates to healthcare professionals and in-patients at Réunion Island university hospital, GHER and Mascareignes food bank to support islanders facing hard times and all of its employees.
The Grands Centres shopping centres had to adapt and make daily innovations to manage operations during the pandemic. Lots of prevention and protection initiatives were implemented during the pandemic. To remind people of social and physical distancing measures, new messages were displayed via various media and an audio message was broadcast. To protect employees and customers, new equipment such as hand gel distributors, barriers at entrances and exits and floor markings were implemented. To ensure the regulations in force concerning visitor numbers and information display, a computer platform and people counting cameras were installed to perform instant checks and control capacity. In the event the maximum threshold was exceeded, text messages and emails were sent to the different departments to implement door regulation procedures.
BPA, in conjunction with the police, distributed all of its FFP2-type masks, around 300 pieces, to Saint-Denis university hospital. The company also gave nurses 400 vehicle protection kits and gloves and also helped fire officers by donating surface protective film, masking tape, gloves and other items to help them protect their equipment and staff.
In French Guiana, to guarantee optimal protection of administrative personnel and the public, the management of Guyane Automobile went from town hall to town hall distributing masks and hand sanitiser. The villages of Cayenne, Macouria, Rémire-Montjoly, Roura, Kourou, Sinnamary, Mana and Saint-Laurent all received supplies. Consequently, all civil servants unable to work remotely because they are in contact with the public as well as members of the local population received useful PPE equipment.
On 9 April, Carrefour Matoury and Contact signed a charter with the IFIVEG (inter-professional association of fruit and vegetable production chains) for the distribution of fruit and veg to the group’s stores. This agreement aims to reinforce and develop the agricultural production chains and promote food autonomy in French Guiana. Carrefour Matoury and Contact have stepped up charity initiatives, such as donating around 8,500 euros’ worth of Easter chocolates to Cayenne hospital and the Épicerie Solidaire.
In Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia Distillers supplied hand sanitiser and implemented various aid actions.
In Africa, Citroën maintained its regular opening hours to help its customers in the event of emergency or breakdown.
Kia Maroc introduced a home assistance service and organised replacement vehicles for healthcare professionals and provided logistical support for the transportation of goods to disadvantaged members of the community.
SOCIDA: Uber adapted its technology and signed a partnership with the Ivory Coast’s Ministry of Health and Socida to offer free trips to healthcare workers in Abidjan. Health workers at the three public hospitals and the university hospitals in Treichville, Angré and Cocody were therefore able to make their way to their different places of work easily, comfortably and safely thanks to this partnership funded by Uber and Socida.

Helping the Haitians
The Group took action to help the Haitian people following the earthquake that hit Haiti on 14 August 2021. Through its subsidiary Carrefour Martinique, GBH gave the Red Cross 41 tonnes of water and essential foodstuffs that were transported to Haiti on the army surveillance frigate Le Germinal.

Food collections at Carrefour
Committed to emergency aid, the Red Cross and GBH have organised several food donation collections in the Carrefour outlets in the West Indies and Réunion Island, to help the people of the northern islands affected by hurricanes in 2018.
Covid-19: GBH provides support to healthcare and hospital workers in the French West Indies, French Guiana and Réunion Island
In March 2020, in the fight against coronavirus and in light of the shortage of alcohol-based gel sanitiser, through its Rhum JM distillery and its Etablissements Clément in Martinique, GBH has adapted its rum production process to be able to manufacture an alcohol-based sanitiser and organise packaging for it.
This product is being delivered free of charge to healthcare workers, army personnel, police and emergency services. In liaison with the prefecture of Martinique and ARS, an initial delivery of 5,000 litres is being organised.
In Guadeloupe, GBH is also providing healthcare workers and security personnel with free alcohol-based sanitiser. This operation is being carried out in partnership with two local economic operators that manufacture and package the product. Some 10,000 75-ml bottles developed and packaged by the Alizée Nature Caraïbes laboratory and 18,500 500-ml bottles produced by the Chlorex company are being delivered from 30 March 2020 to French government agencies. The Prefecture of Guadeloupe has mobilised significant logistical resources to ensure emergency distribution to all the relevant public and private priority personnel.
On Réunion Island, GBH is also providing healthcare workers and security personnel with free alcohol-based sanitiser. This operation is being carried out in partnership with the Chatel distillery, a historic industrial operator on Réunion Island, which is manufacturing and packaging a batch of 5,000 1-litre bottles for GBH. The delivery will begin on Friday 3 April and is being organised by the Prefecture and ARS to best address the various public health priorities.
GBH is also taking action in French Guiana. Some 10,000 500-ml bottles were thus produced and donated by GBH to the Prefecture and the ARS, which took care of distributing them to health and safety personnel, from 8 April 2020. This operation was made possible thanks to the efforts of numerous Guianese economic operators coordinated by Medef Guyane: the company Rhum Saint-Maurice produces the ethanol, the laboratory Bio Stratège manufactures the alcohol-based solution at SARA, and SOLAM handles the packaging and labelling at Brasserie Guyanaise.
GBH would like to thank all those who made this possible, particularly the teams at JM and Clément in a spirit of solidarity and collective effort. All current health guidelines were followed to protect the employees involved in implementing this initiative.

Covid-19: GBH and its subsidiaries stand in solidarity
As part of its efforts to combat Covid-19, GBH and its subsidiaries, like many companies, resolved to step into action to help the wider community. In a spirit of unanimous solidarity, working in conjunction with local organisations in territories and regions where the group has operations, they joined forces to do their bit. The main goal was to come to the aid of the local population by supplying masks and hand sanitiser. They led other actions to bring support to the medical teams in each region and help the disadvantaged, in particular by making donations to local food banks. Our priority was also to protect employees and customers: an internal set of Covid-19 best practices was put in place.
Here are some examples of actions:
GBH is providing 1,350,000 masks including 450,000 FFP2-type masks to health professionals in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique and Réunion Island. The masks were divided between the territories: 600,000 for Réunion Island, 300,000 for Guadeloupe, 300,000 for Martinique and 150,000 for French Guiana. These masks were delivered to the French Regional Health Agency (ARS) which will allocate them to hospitals, clinics and other healthcare workers on a priority basis.
What’s more, partnerships were fostered with the group’s distilleries to produce hand sanitiser. Over 30,000 litres of hand sanitiser was supplied free of charge to the health and safety services in Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana and Réunion Island. These products were delivered to the ARS in charge of their distribution to health professionals.
During lockdown, the group’s leasing companies supplied a loan vehicle to hospital staff in the event their own vehicle broke down.
In Martinique, Carrefour Martinique increased its support to the food bank by donating a tonne of food products.
Chocolat Elot is supporting children in hospital and the children of health workers at La Meynard university hospital by donating Easter chocolates.
Decathlon donated 180 Easybreath masks to the university hospital and Le Carbet hospital.
Yves Rocher supplied hydration kits to the university hospital.
Mr. Bricolage participated in the manufacture of 600 visors by supplying 600 eyelets and 30 sets of PPE to the university hospital.
Autobam gave 4,000 pairs of gloves, 405 sets of overalls, protective glasses, face shields and disposable masks to Martinique university hospital.
In Guadeloupe, CAMA loaned four vehicles and donated lots of PPE kits to the Red Cross.
Carrefour Destreland gave Easter chocolates to child in-patients in hospitals and clinics.
On Réunion Island, Carrefour Réunion delivered over 200 hot meals a day to the Red Cross for a whole month. And over 35,000 Easter chocolates to healthcare professionals and in-patients at Réunion Island university hospital, GHER and Mascareignes food bank to support islanders facing hard times and all of its employees.
The Grands Centres shopping centres had to adapt and make daily innovations to manage operations during the pandemic. Lots of prevention and protection initiatives were implemented during the pandemic. To remind people of social and physical distancing measures, new messages were displayed via various media and an audio message was broadcast. To protect employees and customers, new equipment such as hand gel distributors, barriers at entrances and exits and floor markings were implemented. To ensure the regulations in force concerning visitor numbers and information display, a computer platform and people counting cameras were installed to perform instant checks and control capacity. In the event the maximum threshold was exceeded, text messages and emails were sent to the different departments to implement door regulation procedures.
BPA, in conjunction with the police, distributed all of its FFP2-type masks, around 300 pieces, to Saint-Denis university hospital. The company also gave nurses 400 vehicle protection kits and gloves and also helped fire officers by donating surface protective film, masking tape, gloves and other items to help them protect their equipment and staff.
In French Guiana, to guarantee optimal protection of administrative personnel and the public, the management of Guyane Automobile went from town hall to town hall distributing masks and hand sanitiser. The villages of Cayenne, Macouria, Rémire-Montjoly, Roura, Kourou, Sinnamary, Mana and Saint-Laurent all received supplies. Consequently, all civil servants unable to work remotely because they are in contact with the public as well as members of the local population received useful PPE equipment.
On 9 April, Carrefour Matoury and Contact signed a charter with the IFIVEG (inter-professional association of fruit and vegetable production chains) for the distribution of fruit and veg to the group’s stores. This agreement aims to reinforce and develop the agricultural production chains and promote food autonomy in French Guiana. Carrefour Matoury and Contact have stepped up charity initiatives, such as donating around 8,500 euros’ worth of Easter chocolates to Cayenne hospital and the Épicerie Solidaire.
In Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia Distillers supplied hand sanitiser and implemented various aid actions.
In Africa, Citroën maintained its regular opening hours to help its customers in the event of emergency or breakdown.
Kia Maroc introduced a home assistance service and organised replacement vehicles for healthcare professionals and provided logistical support for the transportation of goods to disadvantaged members of the community.
SOCIDA: Uber adapted its technology and signed a partnership with the Ivory Coast’s Ministry of Health and Socida to offer free trips to healthcare workers in Abidjan. Health workers at the three public hospitals and the university hospitals in Treichville, Angré and Cocody were therefore able to make their way to their different places of work easily, comfortably and safely thanks to this partnership funded by Uber and Socida.

GBH supports overseas food banks
GBH signs up to support food banks: In January 2022, GBH signed an agreement with the Fédération des Banques Alimentaires, the food banks federation, to finance the transportation of containers of food items from mainland France to Martinique, Guadeloupe and Réunion Island.
For the three territories, the first operation brought over 75 tonnes of additional food products, the equivalent of over 150,000 meals donated to recipient nonprofits.
The first deliveries were made in Guadeloupe and Martinique in mid-March. Shipments to Réunion Island are planned for late March. These operations will be repeated several more times this year.
100 tonnes of water delivered to Saint Vincent island
GBH provided humanitarian aid to the inhabitants of Saint Vincent island, affected by the eruption of its volcano, La Soufrière, in April 2021. Through its Carrefour subsidiary, the Group provided 100 tonnes of water – over 66,000 1.5-litre bottles – which were brought to the French West Indies by the army surveillance frigate Ventôse.

Covid-19: GBH and its subsidiaries stand in solidarity
As part of its efforts to combat Covid-19, GBH and its subsidiaries, like many companies, resolved to step into action to help the wider community. In a spirit of unanimous solidarity, working in conjunction with local organisations in territories and regions where the group has operations, they joined forces to do their bit. The main goal was to come to the aid of the local population by supplying masks and hand sanitiser. They led other actions to bring support to the medical teams in each region and help the disadvantaged, in particular by making donations to local food banks. Our priority was also to protect employees and customers: an internal set of Covid-19 best practices was put in place.
Here are some examples of actions:
GBH is providing 1,350,000 masks including 450,000 FFP2-type masks to health professionals in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique and Réunion Island. The masks were divided between the territories: 600,000 for Réunion Island, 300,000 for Guadeloupe, 300,000 for Martinique and 150,000 for French Guiana. These masks were delivered to the French Regional Health Agency (ARS) which will allocate them to hospitals, clinics and other healthcare workers on a priority basis.
What’s more, partnerships were fostered with the group’s distilleries to produce hand sanitiser. Over 30,000 litres of hand sanitiser was supplied free of charge to the health and safety services in Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana and Réunion Island. These products were delivered to the ARS in charge of their distribution to health professionals.
During lockdown, the group’s leasing companies supplied a loan vehicle to hospital staff in the event their own vehicle broke down.
In Martinique, Carrefour Martinique increased its support to the food bank by donating a tonne of food products.
Chocolat Elot is supporting children in hospital and the children of health workers at La Meynard university hospital by donating Easter chocolates.
Decathlon donated 180 Easybreath masks to the university hospital and Le Carbet hospital.
Yves Rocher supplied hydration kits to the university hospital.
Mr. Bricolage participated in the manufacture of 600 visors by supplying 600 eyelets and 30 sets of PPE to the university hospital.
Autobam gave 4,000 pairs of gloves, 405 sets of overalls, protective glasses, face shields and disposable masks to Martinique university hospital.
In Guadeloupe, CAMA loaned four vehicles and donated lots of PPE kits to the Red Cross.
Carrefour Destreland gave Easter chocolates to child in-patients in hospitals and clinics.
On Réunion Island, Carrefour Réunion delivered over 200 hot meals a day to the Red Cross for a whole month. And over 35,000 Easter chocolates to healthcare professionals and in-patients at Réunion Island university hospital, GHER and Mascareignes food bank to support islanders facing hard times and all of its employees.
The Grands Centres shopping centres had to adapt and make daily innovations to manage operations during the pandemic. Lots of prevention and protection initiatives were implemented during the pandemic. To remind people of social and physical distancing measures, new messages were displayed via various media and an audio message was broadcast. To protect employees and customers, new equipment such as hand gel distributors, barriers at entrances and exits and floor markings were implemented. To ensure the regulations in force concerning visitor numbers and information display, a computer platform and people counting cameras were installed to perform instant checks and control capacity. In the event the maximum threshold was exceeded, text messages and emails were sent to the different departments to implement door regulation procedures.
BPA, in conjunction with the police, distributed all of its FFP2-type masks, around 300 pieces, to Saint-Denis university hospital. The company also gave nurses 400 vehicle protection kits and gloves and also helped fire officers by donating surface protective film, masking tape, gloves and other items to help them protect their equipment and staff.
In French Guiana, to guarantee optimal protection of administrative personnel and the public, the management of Guyane Automobile went from town hall to town hall distributing masks and hand sanitiser. The villages of Cayenne, Macouria, Rémire-Montjoly, Roura, Kourou, Sinnamary, Mana and Saint-Laurent all received supplies. Consequently, all civil servants unable to work remotely because they are in contact with the public as well as members of the local population received useful PPE equipment.
On 9 April, Carrefour Matoury and Contact signed a charter with the IFIVEG (inter-professional association of fruit and vegetable production chains) for the distribution of fruit and veg to the group’s stores. This agreement aims to reinforce and develop the agricultural production chains and promote food autonomy in French Guiana. Carrefour Matoury and Contact have stepped up charity initiatives, such as donating around 8,500 euros’ worth of Easter chocolates to Cayenne hospital and the Épicerie Solidaire.
In Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia Distillers supplied hand sanitiser and implemented various aid actions.
In Africa, Citroën maintained its regular opening hours to help its customers in the event of emergency or breakdown.
Kia Maroc introduced a home assistance service and organised replacement vehicles for healthcare professionals and provided logistical support for the transportation of goods to disadvantaged members of the community.
SOCIDA: Uber adapted its technology and signed a partnership with the Ivory Coast’s Ministry of Health and Socida to offer free trips to healthcare workers in Abidjan. Health workers at the three public hospitals and the university hospitals in Treichville, Angré and Cocody were therefore able to make their way to their different places of work easily, comfortably and safely thanks to this partnership funded by Uber and Socida.

Food collections at Carrefour
Committed to emergency aid, the Red Cross and GBH have organised several food donation collections in the Carrefour outlets in the West Indies and Réunion Island, to help the people of the northern islands affected by hurricanes in 2018.
Covid-19: GBH provides support to healthcare and hospital workers in the French West Indies, French Guiana and Réunion Island
In March 2020, in the fight against coronavirus and in light of the shortage of alcohol-based gel sanitiser, through its Rhum JM distillery and its Etablissements Clément in Martinique, GBH has adapted its rum production process to be able to manufacture an alcohol-based sanitiser and organise packaging for it.
This product is being delivered free of charge to healthcare workers, army personnel, police and emergency services. In liaison with the prefecture of Martinique and ARS, an initial delivery of 5,000 litres is being organised.
In Guadeloupe, GBH is also providing healthcare workers and security personnel with free alcohol-based sanitiser. This operation is being carried out in partnership with two local economic operators that manufacture and package the product. Some 10,000 75-ml bottles developed and packaged by the Alizée Nature Caraïbes laboratory and 18,500 500-ml bottles produced by the Chlorex company are being delivered from 30 March 2020 to French government agencies. The Prefecture of Guadeloupe has mobilised significant logistical resources to ensure emergency distribution to all the relevant public and private priority personnel.
On Réunion Island, GBH is also providing healthcare workers and security personnel with free alcohol-based sanitiser. This operation is being carried out in partnership with the Chatel distillery, a historic industrial operator on Réunion Island, which is manufacturing and packaging a batch of 5,000 1-litre bottles for GBH. The delivery will begin on Friday 3 April and is being organised by the Prefecture and ARS to best address the various public health priorities.
GBH is also taking action in French Guiana. Some 10,000 500-ml bottles were thus produced and donated by GBH to the Prefecture and the ARS, which took care of distributing them to health and safety personnel, from 8 April 2020. This operation was made possible thanks to the efforts of numerous Guianese economic operators coordinated by Medef Guyane: the company Rhum Saint-Maurice produces the ethanol, the laboratory Bio Stratège manufactures the alcohol-based solution at SARA, and SOLAM handles the packaging and labelling at Brasserie Guyanaise.
GBH would like to thank all those who made this possible, particularly the teams at JM and Clément in a spirit of solidarity and collective effort. All current health guidelines were followed to protect the employees involved in implementing this initiative.

Covid-19: GBH and its subsidiaries stand in solidarity
As part of its efforts to combat Covid-19, GBH and its subsidiaries, like many companies, resolved to step into action to help the wider community. In a spirit of unanimous solidarity, working in conjunction with local organisations in territories and regions where the group has operations, they joined forces to do their bit. The main goal was to come to the aid of the local population by supplying masks and hand sanitiser. They led other actions to bring support to the medical teams in each region and help the disadvantaged, in particular by making donations to local food banks. Our priority was also to protect employees and customers: an internal set of Covid-19 best practices was put in place.
Here are some examples of actions:
GBH is providing 1,350,000 masks including 450,000 FFP2-type masks to health professionals in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique and Réunion Island. The masks were divided between the territories: 600,000 for Réunion Island, 300,000 for Guadeloupe, 300,000 for Martinique and 150,000 for French Guiana. These masks were delivered to the French Regional Health Agency (ARS) which will allocate them to hospitals, clinics and other healthcare workers on a priority basis.
What’s more, partnerships were fostered with the group’s distilleries to produce hand sanitiser. Over 30,000 litres of hand sanitiser was supplied free of charge to the health and safety services in Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana and Réunion Island. These products were delivered to the ARS in charge of their distribution to health professionals.
During lockdown, the group’s leasing companies supplied a loan vehicle to hospital staff in the event their own vehicle broke down.
In Martinique, Carrefour Martinique increased its support to the food bank by donating a tonne of food products.
Chocolat Elot is supporting children in hospital and the children of health workers at La Meynard university hospital by donating Easter chocolates.
Decathlon donated 180 Easybreath masks to the university hospital and Le Carbet hospital.
Yves Rocher supplied hydration kits to the university hospital.
Mr. Bricolage participated in the manufacture of 600 visors by supplying 600 eyelets and 30 sets of PPE to the university hospital.
Autobam gave 4,000 pairs of gloves, 405 sets of overalls, protective glasses, face shields and disposable masks to Martinique university hospital.
In Guadeloupe, CAMA loaned four vehicles and donated lots of PPE kits to the Red Cross.
Carrefour Destreland gave Easter chocolates to child in-patients in hospitals and clinics.
On Réunion Island, Carrefour Réunion delivered over 200 hot meals a day to the Red Cross for a whole month. And over 35,000 Easter chocolates to healthcare professionals and in-patients at Réunion Island university hospital, GHER and Mascareignes food bank to support islanders facing hard times and all of its employees.
The Grands Centres shopping centres had to adapt and make daily innovations to manage operations during the pandemic. Lots of prevention and protection initiatives were implemented during the pandemic. To remind people of social and physical distancing measures, new messages were displayed via various media and an audio message was broadcast. To protect employees and customers, new equipment such as hand gel distributors, barriers at entrances and exits and floor markings were implemented. To ensure the regulations in force concerning visitor numbers and information display, a computer platform and people counting cameras were installed to perform instant checks and control capacity. In the event the maximum threshold was exceeded, text messages and emails were sent to the different departments to implement door regulation procedures.
BPA, in conjunction with the police, distributed all of its FFP2-type masks, around 300 pieces, to Saint-Denis university hospital. The company also gave nurses 400 vehicle protection kits and gloves and also helped fire officers by donating surface protective film, masking tape, gloves and other items to help them protect their equipment and staff.
In French Guiana, to guarantee optimal protection of administrative personnel and the public, the management of Guyane Automobile went from town hall to town hall distributing masks and hand sanitiser. The villages of Cayenne, Macouria, Rémire-Montjoly, Roura, Kourou, Sinnamary, Mana and Saint-Laurent all received supplies. Consequently, all civil servants unable to work remotely because they are in contact with the public as well as members of the local population received useful PPE equipment.
On 9 April, Carrefour Matoury and Contact signed a charter with the IFIVEG (inter-professional association of fruit and vegetable production chains) for the distribution of fruit and veg to the group’s stores. This agreement aims to reinforce and develop the agricultural production chains and promote food autonomy in French Guiana. Carrefour Matoury and Contact have stepped up charity initiatives, such as donating around 8,500 euros’ worth of Easter chocolates to Cayenne hospital and the Épicerie Solidaire.
In Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia Distillers supplied hand sanitiser and implemented various aid actions.
In Africa, Citroën maintained its regular opening hours to help its customers in the event of emergency or breakdown.
Kia Maroc introduced a home assistance service and organised replacement vehicles for healthcare professionals and provided logistical support for the transportation of goods to disadvantaged members of the community.
SOCIDA: Uber adapted its technology and signed a partnership with the Ivory Coast’s Ministry of Health and Socida to offer free trips to healthcare workers in Abidjan. Health workers at the three public hospitals and the university hospitals in Treichville, Angré and Cocody were therefore able to make their way to their different places of work easily, comfortably and safely thanks to this partnership funded by Uber and Socida.

GBH supports overseas food banks
GBH signs up to support food banks: In January 2022, GBH signed an agreement with the Fédération des Banques Alimentaires, the food banks federation, to finance the transportation of containers of food items from mainland France to Martinique, Guadeloupe and Réunion Island.
For the three territories, the first operation brought over 75 tonnes of additional food products, the equivalent of over 150,000 meals donated to recipient nonprofits.
The first deliveries were made in Guadeloupe and Martinique in mid-March. Shipments to Réunion Island are planned for late March. These operations will be repeated several more times this year.

GBH and a local food bank receive a first container of food donations on Réunion Island
GBH signs up to support food banks: it signed an agreement with the Fédération des Banques Alimentaires, the food banks federation, to finance the transportation of containers of food items from mainland France to Réunion Island and the French West Indies. On 20 May 2022, Réunion Island received its first shipment of food, nine tonnes of donations received by the Mascareignes food bank which included basic staples, mostly for young children, much in demand from people in need. The operation will be repeated soon.

Combating waste with Emmaüs and Phenix
Fighting waste for several years already, GBH subsidiary Carrefour Réunion was doing its bit long before the Agec (anti-waste law for a circular economy) legislation was introduced on 1 January 2022. The company has extended and strengthened its partnership with Emmaüs Réunion for the collection of its non-food products, including unsold furniture, toys, home appliances and textiles that are passed on to the association to help low-income families. Carrefour Réunion is also the first large retail company* to take a proactive step towards zero food waste in the dry and fresh produce departments by making daily donations. Alongside Phenix Réunion, the subsidiary is giving a second life to food products still fit for consumption that are redistributed to 14 local associations. This “anti-waste” partnership was rolled out in 2021 with three test hypermarkets. Some 221,000 meals were saved between May and December and the food salvage percentage rose from 18% to 30%. In 2022, there are plans to extend the initiative to all Carrefour and Carrefour Market de l’île stores.
*source: Phenix.

Mascareignes food banks receive six tonnes of donations
Because 90,000 Réunion islanders struggle to stock their cupboards, Carrefour Réunion has been supporting Banques Alimentaires des Mascareignes, a local food bank association, since 2016. Support comes in the form of making food donations and responding to calls for collection. This year, Carrefour and Carrefour Market de l’île stores on the island all got involved and sent out an appeal to their customers to help disadvantaged families. Following a collection promoted by a wide advertising campaign (billboards and social media), six tonnes of food donations were collected. A strong show of solidarity. A big thankyou to everyone on Réunion Island who shops at Carrefour!

Covid-19: GBH and its subsidiaries stand in solidarity
As part of its efforts to combat Covid-19, GBH and its subsidiaries, like many companies, resolved to step into action to help the wider community. In a spirit of unanimous solidarity, working in conjunction with local organisations in territories and regions where the group has operations, they joined forces to do their bit. The main goal was to come to the aid of the local population by supplying masks and hand sanitiser. They led other actions to bring support to the medical teams in each region and help the disadvantaged, in particular by making donations to local food banks. Our priority was also to protect employees and customers: an internal set of Covid-19 best practices was put in place.
Here are some examples of actions:
GBH is providing 1,350,000 masks including 450,000 FFP2-type masks to health professionals in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique and Réunion Island. The masks were divided between the territories: 600,000 for Réunion Island, 300,000 for Guadeloupe, 300,000 for Martinique and 150,000 for French Guiana. These masks were delivered to the French Regional Health Agency (ARS) which will allocate them to hospitals, clinics and other healthcare workers on a priority basis.
What’s more, partnerships were fostered with the group’s distilleries to produce hand sanitiser. Over 30,000 litres of hand sanitiser was supplied free of charge to the health and safety services in Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana and Réunion Island. These products were delivered to the ARS in charge of their distribution to health professionals.
During lockdown, the group’s leasing companies supplied a loan vehicle to hospital staff in the event their own vehicle broke down.
In Martinique, Carrefour Martinique increased its support to the food bank by donating a tonne of food products.
Chocolat Elot is supporting children in hospital and the children of health workers at La Meynard university hospital by donating Easter chocolates.
Decathlon donated 180 Easybreath masks to the university hospital and Le Carbet hospital.
Yves Rocher supplied hydration kits to the university hospital.
Mr. Bricolage participated in the manufacture of 600 visors by supplying 600 eyelets and 30 sets of PPE to the university hospital.
Autobam gave 4,000 pairs of gloves, 405 sets of overalls, protective glasses, face shields and disposable masks to Martinique university hospital.
In Guadeloupe, CAMA loaned four vehicles and donated lots of PPE kits to the Red Cross.
Carrefour Destreland gave Easter chocolates to child in-patients in hospitals and clinics.
On Réunion Island, Carrefour Réunion delivered over 200 hot meals a day to the Red Cross for a whole month. And over 35,000 Easter chocolates to healthcare professionals and in-patients at Réunion Island university hospital, GHER and Mascareignes food bank to support islanders facing hard times and all of its employees.
The Grands Centres shopping centres had to adapt and make daily innovations to manage operations during the pandemic. Lots of prevention and protection initiatives were implemented during the pandemic. To remind people of social and physical distancing measures, new messages were displayed via various media and an audio message was broadcast. To protect employees and customers, new equipment such as hand gel distributors, barriers at entrances and exits and floor markings were implemented. To ensure the regulations in force concerning visitor numbers and information display, a computer platform and people counting cameras were installed to perform instant checks and control capacity. In the event the maximum threshold was exceeded, text messages and emails were sent to the different departments to implement door regulation procedures.
BPA, in conjunction with the police, distributed all of its FFP2-type masks, around 300 pieces, to Saint-Denis university hospital. The company also gave nurses 400 vehicle protection kits and gloves and also helped fire officers by donating surface protective film, masking tape, gloves and other items to help them protect their equipment and staff.
In French Guiana, to guarantee optimal protection of administrative personnel and the public, the management of Guyane Automobile went from town hall to town hall distributing masks and hand sanitiser. The villages of Cayenne, Macouria, Rémire-Montjoly, Roura, Kourou, Sinnamary, Mana and Saint-Laurent all received supplies. Consequently, all civil servants unable to work remotely because they are in contact with the public as well as members of the local population received useful PPE equipment.
On 9 April, Carrefour Matoury and Contact signed a charter with the IFIVEG (inter-professional association of fruit and vegetable production chains) for the distribution of fruit and veg to the group’s stores. This agreement aims to reinforce and develop the agricultural production chains and promote food autonomy in French Guiana. Carrefour Matoury and Contact have stepped up charity initiatives, such as donating around 8,500 euros’ worth of Easter chocolates to Cayenne hospital and the Épicerie Solidaire.
In Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia Distillers supplied hand sanitiser and implemented various aid actions.
In Africa, Citroën maintained its regular opening hours to help its customers in the event of emergency or breakdown.
Kia Maroc introduced a home assistance service and organised replacement vehicles for healthcare professionals and provided logistical support for the transportation of goods to disadvantaged members of the community.
SOCIDA: Uber adapted its technology and signed a partnership with the Ivory Coast’s Ministry of Health and Socida to offer free trips to healthcare workers in Abidjan. Health workers at the three public hospitals and the university hospitals in Treichville, Angré and Cocody were therefore able to make their way to their different places of work easily, comfortably and safely thanks to this partnership funded by Uber and Socida.