Our story
After starting out studying medicine, Bernard Hayot decided to set up a poultry farm in Le François, Martinique, in 1960. Driven by an entrepreneurial spirit, he built a tyre retreading workshop in Martinique after a stay in Trinidad. The company entered the mass retail sector in 1981 with the Monoprix chain in Martinique. The Établissements Bernard Hayot took over the Renault Martinique dealership in 1988, heralding its entry into the automobile sector. Bernard Hayot then duplicated his activities little by little in new territories, surrounding himself with committed employees.

Birth of the Group

At 26 years old, Bernard Hayot gets involved in poultry farming for meat production in Martinique and creates the Poulets Bamy company. He hires his first employees.

Beginning of diversification

Creation of Somarec, a tyre retreading business then thriving on the neighbouring island of Trinidad.
Creation of Sodicar the following year, launching the Group into the wholesaling business at a time when the overseas territories are being opened up to imports.
In 1967, the Établissements Bernard Hayot invest in construction by taking over Techno Ponce, which is then developing a brand new process for manufacturing cinder blocks using pumice stone from Mount Pelée.
First steps outside of Martinique
First establishment in Guadeloupe where the company sells Albatros fertiliser and products for everyday use such as the Baygon mosquito repellent.

A historic partnership in tyres

The Établissements Bernard Hayot sign a contract with Pirelli for the retail of tyres in Martinique.

Commitment to local production

The Établissements Bernard Hayot commit to local industry in Martinique with the purchase of biscuit makers Girard et Chocolat Elot, who produce for the West Indies market.

Taking part in the photo development revolution

Opening of a Kodak photo laboratory in Guadeloupe that will develop film from Guadeloupe and Martinique. The Group will go on to take part in this activity for 30 years.

First steps towards mass retail

Purchase of the Monoprix chain in Martinique.

First steps in Guiana

The Établissements Bernard Hayot is chosen as the authorised agent for the Elf oil company in Guiana, building service stations in Cayenne and isolated villages.

Héritiers H. Clément: getting into rum

The Group takes the plunge into rum production and retail with the acquisition of Habitation Clément.

Promotion of arts and cultural heritage in the Caribbean

The restoration of Habitation Clément and its grounds goes hand in hand with the creation of a non-profit organisation to promote arts and culture in the Caribbean on the same site. To accommodate the cultural programmes of the Clément Foundation, GBH builds a contemporary building in 2016 which, through its shape and materials, is a continuation of the history, architecture, and grounds of Habitation Clément.

on december 17, 2001, Aimé Césaire planted a courbaril at Habitation Clément, a symbol of an indispensable fraternity between the different communities of Martinique.

Developing expertise in Réunion

Committed to local producers, the Group opens the first hypermarket on Reunion Island, a Euromarché in Sainte-Clotilde. The Danone factory is built two years later.

The automobile sector, a new business area for the Group

The Group decides to invest in automobile rentals and sales in Martinique. This business area, just like mass retail, will become one of the Group’s three major sectors.
GBH has since continued to develop its activity around 3 sectors: automobile, retail, and industrial activities